You can start to create or setup shift once the pre-work is done.
Go to Shift Management > Shift Planner to schedule the shift.
There’s option to schedule the shift by Employee, Team or Branch.
You can also change the calendar view to Day, Week, 2 Weeks, or 4 Weeks or calendar month view, and select a date range for shift scheduling.
By default, shift planner will show Weekly View by Employee.
All Employees with shift work schedule will be listed at the left panel. You can search an employee at the search bar or click on the filter icon to filter employee records by Company/ Business Unit/ Branch/ Department/ Status.
Step 1 : Start create / assign shift to employee
- Click “+” to assign shift to employee and fill in the compulsory details.
- By default, branch will set according to the employee’s branch, and the shift dropdown list will reflect according to Branch Selection. The Start Time, End Time & Break Duration of selected shift will be based on the shift template setup. You may also tag the shift to project if applicable.
- Shift can be duplicated to other days by ticking the Monday – Sunday checkboxes.
Note: System allowed to assign multiple shifts on the same day to the same employee but not overlapping shift.
Step 2 : Preview, Check and Publish the Shift Plan
- Once you done the shift assignment, you can preview and check before proceed to finalized it.
- Click Publish to finalize and inform employees on the assigned shift.
- Tick the preferred notification method to notify employee and your team will be notified immediately.
- At the planner, click on an existing shift, you can find action buttons as below:
- Add - to setup a new shift to the same employee on the same day.
- Edit - to edit the shift.
- Delete - to delete the shift. However, Delete will not be allowed if the Shift has been started.
Note: Any changes made subsequently are not required to Publish again, system will notify employee on the changes automatically
Edit Shift
To edit shift, click on an existing shift, select Edit and click Find Replacement to find a qualified replacement.
Select the employee and tick the notification method. Click Save once done.
The criteria for Recommended Employees will be:
- Employee’s work schedule type is Shift based
- No shift being assigned, and employee is not on leave on the selected Date & Time
Note: After shift assigned to an employee, employee will be warned before submission of leave. Warning will be triggered during leave approval as well and approver can select whether to remove employee from the shift OR keep the employee in shift. Click here to learn more.
Repeat and Replicate the Shift Plan
If you need to repeat the shift, click on Recursive to create a recurring shift schedules.
Select the start and end date to repeat the shift, and notification method. Notify Employee via Push Notification & Notify Employee via Email check box will only be enabled if the Auto Publish check box is ticked. You can change from the calendar view drop down to do this by Week / 2 Weeks / 4 Weeks.
Check Shift Status
You can also check the shift status at shift planner once shift is assigned:
- ON SHIFT – On going. Started shift but not ended yet.
- ABSENT – No show up after the shift.
- LATE – Started shift later than scheduled start time.
- EARLY END – Ended shift earlier than scheduled end time.
- LATE & EARLY END – Started shift later than scheduled start time & ended shift earlier than scheduled end time.
- COMPLETED – Completed the shift on time.
- SCHEDULED – For future scheduled shift
Create / assign shift by Team
You can also assign shift by Team if you already setup a Team.
From the view drop down, select the View by Team. All the team will be display at the left panel. User can search for a team by entering a search text in the search bar.
The badge number at top right of the team image indicate total no. of member assigned in the team. Click on the Team Name to expand and show the team member list.
Click “+” button to assign shift to Team and fill in the information.
Alternatively, you can also drag the Team to the calendar. Same window will pop up when upon drag & drop action. If Team member on leave, it will be indicated under remarks.
Note: The rest will be same as per setting up shift by employee (as per Step 1).
Create / assign shift by Branch
You can also assign shift by Branch.
Select View by Branch from the drop-down. The view by branch will show at the right panel with Employee/ Team at the left panel. Just click Switch to Team View or Switch to Employee View. By default, it will be in Employee View
Shift can be assigned to branch by Employee or Team by switching the assignment method.
- Employee View - Employee records will be auto populated at the left panel. You can search an employee at the search bar or click on the filter icon to filter employee records by Company/ Business Unit/ Branch/ Department/ Status.
- Team View - All the team will be display at the left panel. You can search for a particular team at the search bar.
Click “+” button to assign shift to branch and fill in the information. Alternatively, you can also drag the Employee/ Team to the calendar. Same window will pop up when upon drag & drop action.
Note: The rest will be same as per setting up shift by employee (as per Step 1).
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