To setup Shift Template:
1. Create Shift Template
Go to Shift Management > Shift Template
- List of Shift Template will be display, you can filter the record by entering the search text in the first row of the table.
- If you need the listing in excel format, click Export to generate the listing in Excel format.
- You can also click on Deactivate button to deactivate the template, and it will not be available for selection in any other screen.
- Click on View button to view the template.
- Click on Edit button will navigate user to Edit Shift Template screen.
- Click on Delete button will delete the shift template. The system will validate whether the template is currently attached to any branch. If yes, the system will block the user from deleting the template.
To create a template, click Add Template to navigate to Add Shift Template page.
Enter the shift code, shift name and remark (if necessary). By default, the status is always Active.
Click "+" button to add shift.
Enter shift name, start & end time and break duration. Tick the day where the shift will repeat.
Click Save once done.
You will return to the calendar view again, you can click “+” again to add more shift pattern or click on the shift name to edit the shift saved.
Once you are satisfied with the shift template at the weekly calendar view, click Save.
* indicate compulsory fields.
2. Assigned Shift Template
Go to Shift Management > Shift Template Assignment to assign the Shift Template created to the relevant branch.
- Select the shift template from the dropdown list and assign it to the branch.
- After a shift template selected, the shift details for Monday to Sunday will be auto populated.
- User can also apply the shift template to all branches by selecting a Shift Template in All Branch section.
- User can also export the Shift Template Assignment to Excel/PDF.
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