PeopleX provides flexibility to configure or define access permission to users based on roles.
By default, the first user that create the account will be the super admin and will have full access to PeopleX web. This Super Administrator has the privilege to create or modify user role and change the user access as per company's requirements.
Navigate to User Management > User Maintenance to view the full list of users. If you need the listing in excel report, click Export.
Select employee and click on view icon to view the details or edit icon to edit the employee information.
You may also deactivate or delete the users if necessary.
In this section, you can :
1. Change the user's System Role
- Click the drop down button to expand the available system roles.
- Select role from the drop down list. Create a new role if necessary before you can select it from here.
- Set the criteria for the data access. Go to Criteria key, click to expand the drop-down list and select the relevant criteria. Click Value to complete the criteria for the data access in the pop out window. Click Add Criteria if you need to set more than one criteria. Click Preview to check the rules that you set.
- Click Update once done.
2. Grant user access to Subscription and Billing Center
For user that required access to subscription and billing center, enable the toggle button below and set the data access criteria accordingly.
- Allow Access - Subscription
- Allow Access - Billing Center
Learn more about user role creation or modification.
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