PeopleX app is available at Google Play, App Store and Huawei App Gallery.
Download and Install PeopleX App and transform your device to an Attendance Kiosk
By default, PeopleX App is always in Normal Mode, tap on Kiosk Mode at the bottom right corner of login page.
Key in the Kiosk ID and Authorization Code that generated from Web Portal by admin.
* In Kiosk mode, there’s no reset password option from device. Only Admin can generate a new code from web. This is to prevent the Kiosk mode is turn off by unauthorized person.
Press Start to launch or activate the Attendance Kiosk. The Kiosk mode is now Activated.
The Kiosk’s type (based on Kiosk Setup – Clock In/Clock out/Clock in & Out) will be display on top of the screen.
1.Clock in – Display Clock in (Green Colour)
2.Clock Out – Display Clock Out (Red Colour)
3.Clock in & out – no display
Once the camera capture the face and matched with the uploaded Face ID, it will prompt a message and play an audio “You have checked (in/out) successfully". If not matched, it will prompt a message and play audio “Check (in/out) failed".
If you need to view the Setting, tap on Setting and enter the authorization code to access the settings.
The Attendance Kiosk can only be logout with by authorized person with authorization code.
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